Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Algies Bay Easter Weekend 2008

On Easter weekend we went to Algies Bay. I met a couple of friends and we played on the tramp. I went fishing in a little river, I caught three sprats and I almost caught an eel but when I caught the body of the eel I slipped into the water and scraped my arm and it escaped. I went out to the pontoon and my friends were going out there too, they had a little boat which they took me on, taking me way over to the pontoon. D11 kayaked out there too and we swam and saw little around the pontoon. I taught a couple of kids how to do back flips.

Mr Algie asked if we would like to go out on his speed boat to Kawau Island, which we did. It went really fast and the whole front of the boat came out of the water, I had a little turn at driving the boat but I didn't like it at all. We got dropped off at Mansion House and we walked to Ladies Bay, on the way we saw a little Wallabie. Then we went to the copper mines and we saw some blue stuff stuck into the wall of the cliff which showed that there was copper there. Mr Algie talked about Pirates mining under the sea until they hit a spot of soft sand and then the mine filled up with water and pump station couldn't pump it out fast enough, and that was the end of the mining. After that we went to the shipwreck, Mr Algie told us some history of the shipwreck, the name of the ship was originally Alice A. Leigh (Rewa), nobody wanted to buy the sailing ship because it had no motor. Then we went to a small island (Hive Island) and we walked around the island. Then we went home.

On Monday we went to a Reptile Park and there were skinks, lizards, chameleons, monitors, geckos, monkeys, turtles, tortises, and alligators. It was real cool, half way through the rain started to pour but we got to see it all anyway. After we went to a cafe and playground, Mum and Dad had coffee and I had yoghurt, after my sissies went on the playround and we went to look at the farm animals.

The holiday was wonderful, we love our caravan.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Golfing Range and Cafe Play

On Saturday I went to a golf driving range out at Coatsville. Mum, Dad, D11, S6, S4, and I shared 400 balls between us. I did good, the furtherest I got was just before 100m by the end my hands were really sore, the furtherest I got was just before 50m.

After we went to a cafe called Fernlea in Coatsville, and I had some ice cream. We played petoneque, climbed a tree, played in the sandpit and on the playground, while Mum, Dad and Farmor had coffee.

Skink Hunting

Last night I went to my Aunty L and Uncle B place for dinner, while I was there I played a bit of XBox 360 which we borrowed of A18, and then we went out skink searching. We looked under wood, leaves, wire, weed matting and a taupauline, but could only find one skink, but it got away through Uncle B hands.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Cousins Birthday

On Saturday, Mum, Dad, D11, S6, S4, Farmor, Aunty L, L11 and I went to my big cousin R Birthday party, he turned 21. Aunty M put on yummy food, my favourite was the sushi, I reckon I had about 5 pieces. There were some disco lights and a smoke machine, and my cousin L11, S6 and I played in the smoke, it was real thick sometimes, when we played in it and L11 fell over me because it was so smokey.

There were heaps of crickets and moths coming inside when it got dark. I caught 5 moths and 3 crickets. Our big cousins R and Z played poker with friends.

We had a really late night, we stayed up till midnight, it was fun.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Welcome to Asher's blog, I hope you have a nice time here.