Tuesday, February 17, 2009

An Example of My Dreams

Well, it started off with me in a battle and all of my family was gone. I fort for my life with a rifle and they were gaint robots, they were too big to destroy them. Then a big bomb flew out to me but I could not destroy them. Then it all went dramatic and I woke up and found out it was a dream. I got out of bed and opened the curtains and there was a dog peeing on my tree. I went out of the house and I was carrying a balloon and all of a sudden I looked at my ballon and it was blue. I walked up to the dog and said "Quit your jiber jaber, you ain't hurt you pathetic dog". Next thing the dogs pals came running around a corner, the dog was carrying a sword and shield standing on his hind legs. I dropped the balloon and ran back to the house screaming like a girl. Once I got inside I saw my Dad with a skirt on, while he cooked pancakes. Soon I woke up and I was back in reality.
By Asher


Summer Sailor said...

Interesting Dreams!!!!


Summer Sailor said...

Cool stuff. I like the bit about your dad.


Anonymous said...

Cool Story keep on going
